Permanent exhibition in the Catedral Hall
These pieces of materials were salvaged from two dump pits. One is from the end of the 18th century, beginning of the 19th century, when the site was part of the land of the Dominican Order; and the other corresponds to the time when the Carlos María Huergo warehouses were built (mid-19th century).
The excavation was directed by Dr. Mariano Ramos, and it was Dr. Mario Silveira who analyzed the faunal remains, a product of discarded food. All these materials are registered under Law 25,743 for the Protection of Archaeological and Paleontological Heritage.
To learn more about the subject, the book by Daniel Schávelzon and Mario Silveira, Excavations in Michelangelo (1998), is recommended.
Source: Dr. Mario J. Silveira Archeology and Paleontology Interpretation Center, Heritage Operations Management, GCBA.
Pieces recovered in the excavations
- Fragment of a pharmaceutical product bottle (19th century).
- Milk of Magnesia bottle fragments.
- Remains of glass syringe plungers.
- Milk of Magnesia bottle fragments.
- Flintstones used in firearms (19th century).
- Blackboard with rest formalized as a pointer.
- Fall.
- Rest of stoneware (ceramic) gin bottle.
- Rest of majolica (18th century ceramic).
- Metal spoon rest.
- Glass cannula for sanitary use (19th century).
- Remains of corks.
- Remains of perfume bottles (19th century).
- Cairel.
- Glass vase base (19th century).
- Perfume bottle ¨Mompelas Paris¨ (19th century).
- Kaolin smoking pipe stem (XIX century ceramic).
- Fragments of liquor bottle and stopper (19th century).
- Handle of wooden knife.
- Taba (astragalus) of lamb (Ovis aries).
- Skeletal remains of mammals.
- Remains of different glasses.
- Fragments of porcelain ointment pot (19th century).
- Fragments of a Pearlware ceramic jug type container (19th century).
- Fragments of ¨El Morro¨ ceramic plates (end of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century).
- Bivalve shell (Erodona mactroides).
- Red ceramic tiles (19th century).
- Fragment of a red ceramic spout (19th century).
- Fragments of ceramic container (19th century).
- Two river bivalve shells (Anodontites trapezialis).
- Edible land snail shell (Otala punctata).
- Taba (talus) of cow (Bos taurus).
- Tarsus metatarsus with rooster spur (Gallus gallus).
- Chicken humerus (Gallus gallus).
- Vizcacha tibia (Lagostomus maximus).
- Metapodium, rib and maxilla of sheep (Ovis aries).
- Horse molar (Equus caballus).
- Pig scapula (Sus scrofa).
- Duck metacarpal carpal (Anatidae).
- Shad Cleitro (Prochilodus lineatus).
- Golden operculum (Salminus maxillosus).
- Partridge humerus (Nothura maculosa).
- Partridge femur (Rinchotus rufecens).
Sales: 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM
Dinner: 07:30 PM
Show: 9:30 PM
Balcarce 433 - San Telmo
Dante Bar - 1er Piso
San Telmo - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Sales: 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM
Dinner: 07:30 PM
Show: 9:30 PM
Balcarce 433 - San Telmo
Dante Bar - 1er Piso
San Telmo - Buenos Aires - Argentina