MICHELANGELO Legend uma viagem a 1800

The history of the property where Michelangelo is located is as old as the city founded by Juan de Garay in 1580. It comprised two lots that ended in the ravines of the Río de la Plata. The land ended up in the possession of the Dominican friars around 1608. The parish of Santo Domingo, whose entrance is on Belgrano avenue, was part of that property.

Later, the so-called "House of the Royal Seat of the English" functioned in that place, a place where slave traders of that nationality operated. Then, in 1784, the old or "Santo Domingo" customs house functioned, named after its proximity to the church. There, during the English invasions of 1806, the wounded soldiers were cured by the friars in the apothecary of the property, and the deceased were buried in the small cemetery that was located next to the congregation's orchard, where passage 5 is located today. of July.

Closer in time, the English architect Edward Taylor built the new customs house -which took his last name- on the ravine, behind the fort. He began to erect it in 1857, and it was inaugurated in 1885, today it is Michelangelo, that property belonged to the Huergo family. So, they built the building almost as you can see it today: it was used as a warehouse and, later, as a distillery. The façade, at that time, was on the cut July 5th. The imposing wooden gate is still preserved, elevated with respect to the level of Balcarce street. He also ventures a theory: they say many bodies were returned to England, but some bones were still here.

Among the 609 objects that were found during the excavations carried out by the archaeologist Daniel Schavelzon and his team, organic remains were found, spark stones for firing firearms, keys, tableware, wine and perfume bottles, syringes and medicine bottles, They probably stayed there ever since. Many of these objects are currently on display in the building's restaurant, making it a remarkable archaeological site.

The same has been recognized by the legislature of Buenos Aires in its reopening as a historic event.

The building changed several times in the 20th century, until the story of Michelangelo began in 1967 as an emblem of portentity with its logo of the three rings, which remained unchanged.



Vendas: 10h00 para 23h30

Jantar: 19h30

Show: 21h30


Balcarce 433 - San Telmo

Dante Bar - 1er Piso

San Telmo - Buenos Aires - Argentina


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